
Sunday, April 29, 2007


• Marriage will be a very rewarding experience for you. You can handle your house most methodically and with a very refined taste.
• You are responsible and most efficient. However If your husband is not so methodical and cannot cope with your craze for keeping everything tidy and in its place, take that in your stride and do not become irritable or annoyed with him. Otherwise he may get fed up leading to problems in your married life.


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Romance And Sex Life

• For a Virgo woman , romance has a very different meaning in life.
• You tend to find a person of higher or atleast equal intellectual calibre and when you find him, you keep him guessing and are not demonstrative yourself. This leads to situations where both the people love each other but neither of them is sure about it.
• Even then some of the most strong relationships are possible if someone meets all your criteria .. you will then forget the world and virtually worship him.
• On the negative side, you may try to use your partner / lover by manipulative behaviour.
• You will like to be known as a nice girl than being known as a charming or beautiful girl.
• Your standards are very high - you will not be attracted by someone who gives too much importance to sex. Waist is your hot spot.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


• You look calm and contended n the surface but below that you are a pool of nervous tensions, living on your nerves all the times. You also have a tendency of searching for something which you do not know exactly. This can lead to depressions.
• You are quick in actions like walking, talking or reacting and you have little tendency to put on extra weight. You try to keep yourself slim and trim most of the times.
• Worries coupled with your tense nature lead to digestive and intestinal problems. You may have problems related to dysentery, typhoid, swelling of intestines and gall bladder stones.


Saturday, April 21, 2007

General Nature

• Your nature changes from time to time. You are thorough and methodical and have the habit of keeping things exactly at the same place in a very systematic manner.
• A Virgo woman has a scientific bent of mind and will reason and rationalise everything. She also often questions the traditional ideas and ways of life.
• Understand human nature is easy for you. Blessed with a sharp brain it is not very difficult for you to manipulate other people. You can disguise your real self and can put forth the face you want for a particular situation.
• You can plan well. You can become good diplomats and research scholars.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


If you were born between August 23rd and September 22nd, you are Virgo Woman.

Physical Appearance
• You are tall with a slender body.
• Your eyes & hair are dark in color. Eyebrows are curved and bushy. The nose is straight and the forehead - prominent.
• Quite an active person, you walk faster than normal females and therefore are unlikely to ever develop a pot belly.
Mental Attitude
• Analysis and research are your strong points. You will try to go deeply into the things and look for the finer prints.
You will try to understand the details of a things and explain them to others.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Ideal Match
• The males born under Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo, Cancer and Pisces sunsign are best suited for you.
• Women born under Taurus sunsign may become too lazy and get a tendency of taking life in a easy way.Being very fond of food, you gain weight very soon. This leads to showing down of general metabolism and a number of other problems.
Lucky Days, Numbers And Colours
• Lucky numbers for you are 2 & 8.
• Friday, Wednesday and Sunday are lucky for you.
• The colours most lucky for you are Pink, Blue and White.
Recommended Gemstones
• Emerald and Blue sapphire are the lucky gemstones for you. The gems should have a vibrant aura and should never have been worn before. The weight has to be decided as per your body weight and age.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


• You take long time to select your partner, but once married you shall prove to be a devoted wife. Taurus women rarely divorce . You care a lot for your husband .
• You are also a very caring mother for your childen and do everything possible to see them in good shape.
• Taurean women are good housemakers and do everything in a well planned and efficient manner. Food cooked by the Taurean women is often the best and they do show it well by throwing parties.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


• You are one of the few people who steadily earn and save money. You should be cautious while spending.
• You can have a strong temptation for gambling also. You can become a good broker/ money arranger/ banker. It is not uncommmon for you to measure your success only from your savings.
Romance And Sex Life
• Taurus females are not outgoing types. They will prefer to keep themselves occupied in their own affairs and still attract people.
• Once in love, you are very romantic and develop a strong attraction towards opposite sex .However you are quite slow in reacting. Good surroundings with lot of open air and natural looks turn you on.
• Harmony of colours and especially pastel shades of blue and pink are your favourites. Generally, you are not jealous of other females.
• Taurus women have a large appetite for sex. Throat is the hotspot for you.


Saturday, April 07, 2007


• You are less sensitive to pains and normally enjoy strong health. But if you fall ill, the recovery will be slow because your recuperative power is slow and you seldom co-operate with the doctor due to your stubborn nature.
• Diseases effecting the throat and lower abdomen like tonsils, diptheria, throat infections colds, constipation trouble you. Pimples and sore eyes are also a sore spot for you.
• You should avoid cold stuff and maximize intake of green vegetables to remain fit and healthy. Long walks are best exercise for you and you should have sufficient sleep also.


Tuesday, April 03, 2007


General Nature
• Women born under this sunsign have a very calm nature and can put up with lot of provocation.
• A Taurean woman speaks less and has a very strong will power . You have more moral and emotional courage than the average women
• It is easy for a Taurean woman to maintain harmony in domestic life and live a happy and enjoyable life. Very dependable and faithful , you are also a good cook and a very good homemaker.

Monday, April 02, 2007


If you are born between April 21st and May 21st, then you are a Taurus women.

Physical Appearance
• The women born during this period are of middle stature.
• The body is plumpy, the forehead - broad and the neck - thick.
• Taurean woman normally have a clean complexion, dark hair, bright eyes, well developed muscles,and broad shoulders. They have a nice and friendly way of interacting with others.
Mental Attitude
• You have lots of patience and can withstand great hardships. But when provoked beyond limits, you become wild with rage and no power can withstand you.
• Taureans are quite conservative and have a strong will power. They also show signs of laziness.
• You cannot be deceived into doing anything that you do not want to.


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Duben - červen:

budete mít velmi silný milostný vztah, který bude dlouho trvat a na který si navždy uchováte vzpomínku.

Červenec - září: budete mít vynikající rok a zkusíte větší změnu, která zlepší váš život.

Říjen - Prosinec: váš milostný život nebude mimořádný, ale možná najdete duševní sestru.

5. Pokud jste si vybrali: Černá: váš život nabere nový směr, to bude dobrá věc pro vás a budete se změnou spokojený(á).

Bílá: budete mít přítele, který vám bude plně důvěřovat, který pro vás udělá cokoliv, ale pokazíte to, ani si to neuvědomíte.

6. Tato osoba je váš(vaše) nejlepší přítel(kyně).

7. To je počet vašich blízkých přátel ve vašem životě.

8. Pokud jste si vybrali Sydney: máte rádi dobrodružství. Brisbane: umíte ustoupit

9. Pokud jste si vybrali:

Moře: jste loajální vůči vašim přátelům a vašim milencům (milenkám); jste někdo zdrženlivý.

Oceán: Jste spontánní a rádi se líbíte jiným.

10. Toto přání se splní pouze pokud odešlete tuto zprávu 5 osobám do jedné hodiny od tohoto okamžiku. Odešlete ji 10 osobám a uskuteční se do vašich budoucích narozenin!!!


1. Do této osoby jste zamilovaný/á.

2. Když jste si vybrali:

Červená: jste vitální a váš život je plný lásky – Černé: jste konzervativní a hašteřivý(á) - Zelená: vaše duše je klidná a umíte ustoupit – Modrá: jste spontánní a rádi dostáváte náznaky lásky a náklonnosti ze strany těch, které máte rádi – Žlutá: jste šťastná osoba a umíte dobře poradit těm, kteří nemají morálku.

3. Vaše iniciála se nachází mezi:

A-K Máte dostatek lásky na rozdávání vašim přátelům

L-R Zkoušíte zhodnocovat váš život na maximum a váš milostný život se brzo rozvine.

S-Z Rádi pomáháte jiným a vaše budoucí láska se bude s vámi mít velmi dobře.

4. Pokud jste se narodili mezi: Lednem - březnem: rok bude pro vás velmi dobrý a do někoho se nečekaně zamilujete.
